Supporting project by DAAB e.V. - Allergic diseases from a patient point of view: Survey regarding perceptions and requests of allergic patients
Project leader Dipl. oec. troph. Sabine Schnadt
The research regarding risk factors for development of allergic diseases makes sense, both for better prevention and therapy. To realize this aim in the long term, the patients point of view has to be considered, because actions can only be effective with good adherence.
Development of a questionnaire for parents to determine their perceptions and requests towards the „allergy score“ to be developed by CHAMP. Statistical probability and medical prediction caused by immune markers are relevant for the physician, but which kind of information depending on the disease does the patient want?
In addition to the survey DAAB informs patients and lay people about the CHAMP projects and presents objectives and results on a website and in the magazine „Allergie konkret“.
First step: Development of a questionnaire to determine perceptions and requests of patients referring to the focus of the research like „allergy score“ and how to deal with prediction of allergic diseases.
Second step: The survey is realized by an online-questionnaire.
Third step: Evaluation of the results, which are included into the work of the other project partners if possible.
Parallel to the project the lay public, especially allergic patients are informed about the topics and results of this researching project via a dedicated website:
Sabine Schnadt as well as Julia Kahle work as nutritionists for the German Allergy and Asthma Association (DAAB), both are specialized in food allergies and anaphylaxis. For a long time the DAAB realizes customer insight surveys to make sure, that the patients point of view is noticed by relevant stakeholders and occasions such as government agencies, medical guidelines or industrial partners.
Project leader Dipl. oec. troph. Sabine SchnadtMs Sabine Schnadt is registered dietitian and has been working for the German Allergy and Asthma Association (DAAB) since 1993. She represents DAAB in international networks (EAACI Patient Organisation committee, iFAAA, EFA) and is member of working groups such as the ILSI Europe's Expert Group on 'A framework to help define an appropriate level of protection for consumers with food allergies'. She is ad hoc advisor to the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture regarding food allergen labelling and hosts regular Round Table meetings with German food manufacturers. In a large EU funded project on food allergies – iFAAM (integrated approaches to food allergen and food allergy risk management), she was speaker of the patient stakeholder group as well as ExCOMM-member. She is patient representative in European and German Medical Guidelines for Food Allergies and Anaphylaxis and is member of the DGAKI Food Allergy Task Force.