► Framework data
BMBF Initiative for Child and Youth Health „Healthy - for a lifetime"
Project title: CHildhood Allergy and tolerance: bioMarkers and Predictors
Acronym: CHAMP
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. med. Bianca Schaub
Klinikum der Universität München, LMU City Campus
Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital, Dept. of Allergology and Pulmonology
80337 Munich, GERMANY
BMBF Contribution: 4.224.579 ,- €
Start date: Oct.-01-2017 / Nov.-01-2017
Duration: 48 months + 12 months extension
► Funding Agency BMBF
The research leading to these results has
received the funding from
the BMBF under grant agreement no.
01GL1742B, 01GL1742C, 01GL1742D, 01GL1742E, 01GL1742F

► Last update www.CHAMP-allergy.eu: May-25-2022
Event dates
CHAMP Annual Meeting 2021/2022:
May 30th/31st 2022 in MunichCHAMP Semi Annual Meeting 2021:
July 1st/2nd 2021 via video-conferenceCHAMP Annual Meeting 2020:
Nov. 30th + Dec. 1st 2020 via video-conferenceCHAMP Semi Annual Meeting 2020:
June 15th/16th 2020 via video-conferenceCHAMP Annual Meeting 2019:
Nov. 25th/26th 2019 in BerlinCHAMP Semi Annual Meeting 2019:
June 24th/25th 2019 in Regensburg
CHAMP Annual Meeting 2018:
Nov. 12th 2018 in MunichCHAMP Semi Annual Meeting 2018:
June 25th 2018 in Munich- CHAMP Kick Off Meeting 2017:
Dec. 8th 2017 in Berlin